Telling stories with videos, photos & podcasts

Global development initiatives result in positive, and sometimes dramatic, changes in the lives of people. Through video and other multimedia methods, Creative tell their success stories and how the results were achieved.


Using art to overcome trauma in northern Ethiopia


After two years of conflict concentrated primarily in northern Ethiopia, most students were traumatized and many were reluctant to return to their classrooms. The USAID READ II Education Recovery Activity stepped in with psychological first aid and social-emotional learning interventions.... Read More



Togo: Azizi — L’ambassadeur itinerant de la paix

Political Transitions

Dans le nord du Togo, le Programme Régional d’Appui Aux Pays Côtiers de l’USAID/OTI s'est associé au Conseil National de la Jeunesse et à Timbuktu Institute pour former 120 jeunes leaders sur, le plaidoyer en faveur de la paix et la cohésion sociale.... Read More