Telling stories with videos, photos & podcasts

Global development initiatives result in positive, and sometimes dramatic, changes in the lives of people. Through video and other multimedia methods, Creative tell their success stories and how the results were achieved.


“I Can Do It”: Connecting Mountains to Markets

Economic Growth

Creative Learning's Aid to Artisans is providing micro and small businesses with the tools, resources and connections to sell their products to a global audience. Focusing on the Mexican states of Chiapas, Campeche and Yucatan, Aid to Artisans has had a transformative effect on producers that only dreamed of exporting their goods.... Read More



Ghana: Mapping Fulbe communities

USAID/OTI’s Littorals Program is promoting inclusion in northern Ghana’s Upper West Region. Implementing partner Save Ghana shared findings and recommendations of an OTI-supported mapping of Fulbe settlements and community relationships with key local government actors.... Read More