Through targeted co-investments, the West Africa Trade & Investment Hub is partnering with businesses to create jobs and generate sustainable economic growth. Click here to see stories and news from the Trade Hub. 

Stories, Videos & More


Basic Education Activity launches in West Bank & Gaza

Ramallah, West Bank – A new program to strengthen non-governmental early childhood and primary education opportunities for children in the West Bank and Gaza officially launched activities on July 17 during a summer camp for 150 students.   Learn More...


Defusing the trigger: Corruption and conflict

The relationship between corruption and conflict was center stage at the recent International Anti-corruption Conference (IACC) in Vilnius, Lithuania. Learn More...


Youth voices in peace and development

In a complex world experiencing significant democratic backsliding, young people stand at the forefront of transformation and are poised to address global challenges.  Learn More...


Honduras USAID’s Sembrando Esperanza: Agent of Change Rosa Isabel Melgar

19-year-old Rosa Isabel Melgar wants to shape her community’s vision. With the support of USAID’s Sembrando Esperanza and local partners, Rosa Isabel and her peers have become Agents of Change in Puerto Cortes, Honduras. Learn More...


Creative appoints new Vice President of Education for Development Division

Patricia “Tricia” Tibbetts, Ed.D., has been appointed Vice President of Creative Associates International’s Education for Development Division.  Learn More...


Laying the groundwork for democracy: Promoting sustainable elections through inclusive governance in Libya and beyond

To promote democracy worldwide, the United States and global allies must support inclusive governance to create an enabling environment for credible, sustainable elections.  Learn More...