Greenhouse Gas Disclosure
Our Footprint
This is Creative’s second year disclosing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions measurements, covering Fiscal Year (FY) 2023. In line with our Base Year measurement, it includes U.S. operations in the Washington, D.C., region, which account for our Scope 1 and 2 per the Greenhouse Gas Protocol guidelines. Also included are major relevant sources for Scope 3 emissions, specifically all business travel — including project and business growth-related travel from Headquarters (HQ) — and HQ employee commutes. Other sources (including waste management and purchased goods) were not included, due to low expected materiality or limited data availability.
In addition to HQ operations, we included a selection of our existing U.S. government-funded projects. Project selection was carried out considering data availability, data quality and geographical priorities. Based on these criteria, this period’s measure focused on programs in Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, El Salvador, Honduras, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea and Togo.

In FY 2023, Creative HQ continued operating in an environmentally certified building in Chevy Chase, Maryland, a factor that positively impacted our GHG emissions footprint. As we embark on a long-term commitment to measure and report our footprint, we will continue to learn about impacts and extend the scope of our measurements.

Creative’s total footprint for the scope included in the FY 2023 measurement (HQ operations in the United States and program work in eight countries) is 1,261 metric tons of Carbon equivalent (MTCO2e). As noted above, this calculation is based on a sample of Creative’s global operations. With this in mind, Creative’s global footprint (Scopes 1, 2 and 3) is currently estimated between 1,984 and 3,413 MTCO2e. This equates to approximately 2.52 to 3.73 MTCO2e per employee, a midpoint of 3.15 MTCO2e per employee.
Data comparison to base year
Our main goal is to improve our measurements, considering our business characteristics. This second measurement provided useful information for advancing on this target, and we will be changing our approach to Scope 3 measurements in the future to improve data. We will be reviewing data and modifying the sampling approach and measure high emissions categories identified in the first two measurements (travel, electricity) across all projects and use the sampling method for low emission categories (i.e. refrigerants and fire suppressants).
We are maintaining our target of a 1 percent reduction on emissions per full-time employee (FTE) by the end of FY 2025, which was established at the start of this measurement year. We will have a base year of FY 2023 for Scope 1. Data availability may require base year FY 2024 for Scope 3. The report will detail as needed. This goal will be more adequately measured when comparable data is available.
Getting the numbers right
As part of our commitment to comply with GHG Protocol’s technical and data quality standards, Creative selected Futuris Consulting, a Costa Rica-based company to help with an initial calculation of Creative’s carbon footprint. With 15 years of experience working with clients like Banco Nacional, Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad, BID Invest and ecoBusiness Fund, Futuris Consulting provides world-class services with local passion and commitment from a multidisciplinary team of sustainability consultants.
Futuris Consulting provided technical support, established boundaries and measured Creative’s carbon footprint in alignment with the GHG protocol, as required by Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). They also reviewed data quality and provided input to improve future assessments. We look forward to including Futuris’ recommendations to better estimate our footprint and to take adequate preventive and mitigating measures.