West Bank & Gaza – Basic Education Activity

The Basic Education Activity (BEA) works closely with local organizations and stakeholders to strengthen non-governmental education services and improve the wellbeing and learning outcomes of Palestinian children in kindergarten through grade 6. ...
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USAID Yemen Gateway to Education

Yemen continues to face one of the world’s worst ongoing humanitarian crises as its people confront ongoing violent conflicts, starvation, an economic blockade and the continuing effects of COVID-19. More than half the population requires humanitarian support. ...
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Communities, Authorities find common agenda in liberated Syria

December 1, 2021

When the Syrian regime detained someone, their families were not told why the arrests occurred, where the person is detained or how to get information. Even today in liberated areas, most Syrians remain afraid to ask authorities about the whereabouts of their loved ones....
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Jordan Technical Assistance Program

The Jordan Technical Assistance Program seeks to improve the government’s ability to meet the burgeoning educational needs of the country’s school-age and youth populations by working closely with Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Youth to change their organizational cultures and improve their abilities to ensure officials can implement much-needed reforms....
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