
Libya – Engagement and Governance through Applied Learning



Engagement and Governance through Applied Learning

Following their revolution in 2011, Libyans embarked on the difficult task of transitioning to a democratic society. However, gaps in citizen knowledge about their new political process remained a challenge. In addition, civil society organizations, which will play a major role in the drafting of a constitution, lack the technical experience needed in order to play their role in the new democracy.

Funded by the U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative, Creative’s Libyan Engagement and Governance through Applied Learning (LEGAL) project seeks to strengthen the ability of civil society organizations to build regional and national consensus and to influence Libya’s formal constitutional drafting process.

Through local partners in Libya’s historic regions of Tripoliltania, Cyrenacia and Fezzan, LEGAL has formed regional advocacy committees and citizen public forums that bring Libyans together to discuss local and national issues, and to develop an advocacy plan for articulating these concerns to the drafting bodies. These committees and public forums ensure that citizens—particularly women, minorities and populations outside major urban areas—are engaged, heard and drive the drafting of the new constitution.

Creative has already begun issuing grants to civil society organizations. In spring 2014, the program conducted workshops for Libyan civil society organizations, delivering modules to 40 participants from across the country on consensus building for constitution-making; advocacy methods; women’s rights and youth development. LEGAL has also trained delegates of Libya’s Constitutional Drafting Assembly on the process of constitution writing.


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