CBSG Empowers Community Development Councils

Posted September 26, 2011 .
2 min read.

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CBSG Empowers Community Development Councils

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Attendees at the closing ceremony for CDC Center in Deh Sabz Village, Adraskan District, Herat Province.
Attendees at the closing ceremony for CDC Center in Deh Sabz Village, Adraskan District, Herat Province.

Deh Sabz Village is located in Adraskan District, 95km west of Herat Province. Due to a lack of resources in the GIRoA, many of the community’s grievances re-mained unaddressed, creating a gap between the gov-ernment and the local communities.

Community Development Councils (CDCs) play a vital role in the relationship between communities and the lo-cal government. CDCs convene meetings aimed at identifying the priority needs of the community and act as a conduit for community-government relationships.

At the Deh Sabz CDC Center, the lack of surrounding wall affected the safety of the community while meet-ings with their local GIRoA representatives and holding wedding and funeral ceremonies. The open space of the community center was prone to insurgent attacks.

At the request of the community, CBSG funded the con-struction of 190m long CDC center surrounding wall. The surrounding wall was constructed by the communi-ty, in coordination with the Provincial Line Department of Rural Rehabilitation and Development and was com-pleted on 20 May 2011. The community and local gov-ernment warmly welcomed the initiative as crucial to providing the grounds for community-government com-munication and cooperation, a key factor for stability.

At the closing ceremony, the Executive Manager of the District Governor said, “Now the CDC center enables us to easily meet with the community”. He added that the community is now benefiting from the center for holding their ceremonies and called on the community to pay particular attention to the future maintenance of the cen-ter.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/12″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”sidebar-primary”][/vc_column][/vc_row]