



Every child deserves a quality education and the opportunity to reach their potential, whether they live in a stable community or a crisis-affected area.

Creative’s holistic “whole child, whole teacher, whole school” approach works at both the system and the student levels of education. It combines teacher professional development, curriculum improvement, policy development and school management support with wraparound services like psychosocial counselling and health services.

The Education Division’s experts and partners support local and national efforts to increase student learning achievement—across ages and stages—through a deep understanding of challenges, assets and proven models for increasing literacy, numeracy, attendance and community engagement. Creative’s successful early grade reading approach is based on research and grounded in extensive experience implementing education programs in every region of the world.

To achieve education objectives, Creative’s solutions combine education expertise and experience with innovative applications of technology from early warning systems for schools and ministries to mobile early grade reading tools targeted to refugee or displaced populations.

By working with people and institutions, Creative’s programs result in sustainable learning outcomes and integrated support for high-quality, inclusive education.

Education in Conflict and Complex Environments

Education plays a vital role in rebuilding conflict and crisis-affected communities and preparing residents for a peaceful future. Creative quickly assesses the unique needs of educational systems in these situations and collaborates with communities, officials and the private sector to develop sustainable strategies that provide access to quality education in safe learning environments.

Systems and Resilience

Creative assists ministries of education and communities in creating strong educational systems—including proven curriculum, teacher professional development, quality assurance systems and dropout prevention models—that pave the way for self-reliance by institutionalizing governments’ ability to build the educational foundation for their children and youth’s future.

Alternative and Non-formal Education

In complex environments, education opportunities are often needed outside of a formal classroom. Creative works with communities to develop alternative education programs and non-formal learning centers to build foundational skills in out-of-school children and youth. This opportunity expands their options and enables a more fulfilling life.

Social and Emotional Learning and Wellbeing

Creative fosters an environment where students and teachers can thrive by building Social and Emotional Learning into its programming. Teachers learn how to strengthen students’ sense of control, belonging and safety, feelings of self-worth and relationships and the ability to manage conflicts non-violently. Creative promotes holistic teacher wellbeing using proven techniques to improve stress management, self-care and self-efficacy. Learn more about Creative’s approach to Social and Emotional Learning.

Foundational Learning

Basic literacy and math skills are the foundations for future learning, success in school, active citizenship, and informed decision-making. Creative supports primary and middle school teaching-learning programs by helping MOEs develop and operationalize policies, curriculum, instructional approaches and the learning environment to ensure all students master basic skills, including local language and differentiated instruction, levelled and supplementary reading materials, active learning in child-friendly classrooms,  learning across the curriculum, and reinforcement-remediation-catch-up opportunities at school and at home. 

