Creative announces publication of USAID’s Best Practices Guide in Electoral Security

By Patrick W. Quirk

January 24, 2013   |   0 comments

Creative is pleased to announce the publication of the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Best Practices in Electoral Security – A Guide for Democracy and Governance Programming (Guide). The Guide was co-authored by Jeff Fischer and Patrick W. Quirk, of Creative’s Conflict Management and Mitigation Team....
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Before Obama visits Myanmar…Myanmar visits the United States!

By Ingrid Graves

November 16, 2012   |   0 comments

This Monday, President Obama will become the first sitting American President to visit Myanmar. When we read the latest headlines about the President’s upcoming trip to Southeast Asia, this is a recurring theme. While many Burmese citizens are preparing to welcome the President on his first visit to their country, some are discussing the details of the election in which he was reelected and how it compares to international standards and elections in Myanmar....
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Securing the Arab Spring’s Elections

By Patrick W. Quirk

October 10, 2012   |   0 comments

Over the last year in what has been termed the “Arab Spring,” the collapse of long-standing regimes in countries such as Tunisia, Egypt and Libya has created space for political contestation that citizens in these countries had never before experienced...
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Election Bug Catches 1,000 Youth in Yemen

By Creative Associates International

June 25, 2012   |   0 comments

If it takes a catalytic moment to galvanize a large number of people, Yemen has been in the throes of that moment for some time. Though things did come to a head, at least figuratively, in February when the country held its presidential elections. Despite only one candidate on the ballot, Yemenis turned out to vote, begging the question, ‘why?’...
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