Embracing Rapid Advances In Technology To Empower Communities Worldwide

By Jacqui Deelstra

April 30, 2012   |   0 comments

In 2005 I spent Thanksgiving in the rural community of Kouthiaba in central Senegal. I used the one pay phone available in the community’s commercial center, the village of Kouthiaba Wolof, (which was also the only phone available in the whole community which includes dozens of villages) to call my family....
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How An Issue Becomes A Policy and Ends Up As A Project

By Caleb McCarry

April 27, 2012   |   0 comments

Caleb McCarry (Washington, DC) In 2012, Creative Associates began talking about its pioneering work in Colombia. Keeping quiet about the Initial Governance Response Program helped ensure the credit redounded to Colombia’s authorities in defining a healthy relationship with the people… Read More


Snapshot: Colombia

By Creative Associates International

April 26, 2012   |   0 comments

With 2 to 3 million displaced persons, Colombia presents the highest number of IDP in the western hemisphere, and the second largest displaced population in the world.

Crime and the Private Sector in Central America

By Pablo Maldonado

April 26, 2012   |   0 comments

Pablo Maldonado (Washington, DC) INCAE, the famed Central America-based business school, the World Bank and the Wilson Center hosted a gathering on April 19 to discuss the crime epidemic in the region and its impact on the business climate, investment,… Read More


A Call To Action!

By Stephen A. Horblitt

April 24, 2012   |   0 comments

Stephen A. Horblitt (Washington, DC) Development professionals with a sense of mission, are facing a critical challenge, that of continuing to build and enhance a constituency for international development. Meeting this challenge is required by the budgetary situation of the… Read More


SNAPSHOT: Kampala, Uganda

By Creative Associates International

April 4, 2012   |   0 comments

Railway is a USAID/UNITY sponsored school for underprivileged, orphaned, and homeless children living within Kampala and the surrounding suburban slums. Railway is not just a school, but a family as well, providing a sense of warmth, unity and compassion for children who have so little of each in their daily lives....
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